estate planning law firm

Don't Fall for This Deed Scam if You Have Recently Retitled Your House Into a Trust!

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July 25, 2024 •  Emily Hicks Law, PLLC
Did you retitle your home into a trust? Watch out for this deed scam!

(Don't want to watch the video? Here's the script below.)

Hey there, this is Emily Hicks, your estate planning attorney in Ponta Vedra Beach. I want to talk to you about a very suspicious letter that a bunch of my clients get after we do their estate plan.

Now, as we all know, there are so many scams out there and there are so many people that are trying to make money off of, you know, the most, the craziest things. But I want you to know that if you recently done your state plan or had made any updates to your deeds for your properties, um for example, when we do an estate plan, a lot of times we'll do the property from someone's personal name to their trust. And once that gets recorded, that person, that scammer out there gets notified of that. And they're going to send you a letter saying, "Hey, we need to get a copy of your deed for you, pay us 200" or something like that.

Please know those letters are scams. Do not respond to any of that. Please send it to our office if you have any other questions and let us look at look at it for you because we don't want you to get scammed.

If you have questions, reach out today!

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