Quentin takes written questions from concerned seniors and replies back with advice. In this blog post, the writer is suffering with dementia and is concerned about the financial situation he will be leaving behind as well as living comfortably for the remainder of his life.
What's one thing you can do now to start planning for the future? Look at Long-term care Insurance and do an estate plan. Quentin says, "There are several things you can do to smooth the path ahead. Update your will, and create a financial power of attorney. Don't do a DIY version....An advanced healthcare directive informs your doctors what action you want them to take if or when you are unable to make those decisions yourself. You may wish to list your wife as your healthcare proxy to carry out those decisions. You are a team, but serious medical issues can put pressure on a marriage, as this couple discovered, so she will need emotional support, too. Also, ensure you have a successor to your wife on both your POA and healthcare directive."
Thinking through your future can be scary, but you will have more peace of mind about the road ahead if you can plan. Give us a call today. We'd love to help.
Reference: Morning Star, Quentin Fottrell (February 24, 2024): 'I Don't Want My Wife to Lose Everything': I've Been Diagnosed with Dementia - I Suddenly Could not Spell or Write Legibly