estate planning law firm

Leaving a Legacy: Charitable Giving Through Your Estate Plan

Protecting the life you have built for people you love.
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October 25, 2023 •  Emily Hicks Law, PLLC
Did you know you can leave money to a nonprofit or community foundation in your estate plan?

The most influential gift one leaves to their family or community generally happens upon passing. A select few get to gift funds during their lifetime and see the impact. For the rest of us, it is possible to create an estate plan with a legacy gift in mind.

This tax-smart strategy can be a way to reduce your estate tax while impacting future generations. If you would like to incorporate giving into your estate plan, here are some questions to help you decide who and how much to give:

  1. What experiences shaped your charitable giving? Do you have a personal experience with a nonprofit that changed your life?
  2. What gifts have brought you the most joy?
  3. Is there an organization you have been enthusiastic about?
  4. How would you like people to remember your gift? Can your gift be earmarked for a specific purpose at the organization?

We have the best clients, and they tell us time and again that it's not about what "things" they own and where they end up, but it's about what the gift does for the people they love. Will it allow their children to buy their dream home and raise their family? Will it allow an organization to build much needed space? You can provide for the people and causes important to you by taking simple steps right now. An estate plan enables you to leave a legacy for your family, friends, as well as your community that lasts beyond your lifetime.

If you have questions about how to incorporate charitable giving, please reach out.

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