estate planning law firm

Emily Hicks Law, PLLC

Protecting the life you have built for people you love.
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Why Is Power of Attorney So Important for Estate Planning?

Estate planning takes a lot of time, but another factor that needs to not be overlooked is having a power of attorney.
11/16/22 • by: Emily Hicks Law, PLLC
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What are Caregivers Using to Track Dementia Patients?

A popular device used to locate lost items like keys, a wallet, or a bag, is being used by some Americans to track their loved ones with dementia, a report says.
11/11/22 • by: Emily Hicks Law, PLLC
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Are Seniors Missing Out on Important Benefits?

Millions of older adults are having trouble making ends meet, especially during these inflationary times. Yet many don’t realize help is available. Some notable programs that offer financial assistance are underused.
11/04/22 • by: Emily Hicks Law, PLLC
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Who Pays the Bills when Medicare Runs Out?

No one planned that Mom or Dad would have to end up long term in a nursing home and they can’t afford the cost after Medicare payments run out.
11/03/22 • by: Emily Hicks Law, PLLC
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What are the Biggest Social Security Myths?

Today's workers have a vision of Social Security that does not match with the actual experience of retirees.
11/01/22 • by: Emily Hicks Law, PLLC
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What’s the Secret Bad News about Medicare Advantage Plans?

If you have a Medicare Advantage plan and require a brief stay at a nursing home or rehabilitation facility, you could be in for an unpleasant surprise, according to a Kaiser Health News report.
10/27/22 • by: Emily Hicks Law, PLLC
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What’s Being Done to Help Seniors Age in Place?

It’s common for older adults to leave their homes and move into a new living space – like a family member’s house, assisted living facility or nursing home – but a recent effort by the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development is hoping to change that and help older homeowners instead age in place.
10/21/22 • by: Emily Hicks Law, PLLC
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There are Less Restrictive Alternatives than Guardianship

Although laws vary from state to state, every state requires that less restrictive alternatives be considered before invoking a guardianship. These might include such vehicles as limited guardianships, powers of attorney or assisted decision-making agreements.
10/03/22 • by: Emily Hicks Law, PLLC
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Can I Afford Health Insurance If I Retire before Taking Medicare?

Health insurance is seen as a huge hurdle for early retirees, but the answer to finding affordable coverage could be simpler than you think.
09/29/22 • by: Emily Hicks Law, PLLC
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How to Maximize Lifetime Social Security Benefits

As retirement nears, you may be wondering when to start taking Social Security payments. These benefits are primarily based on your earnings during your working years and your age when you start receiving benefits.
09/28/22 • by: Emily Hicks Law, PLLC
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