estate planning law firm

Emily Hicks Law, PLLC

Protecting the life you have built for people you love.
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Does Estate Administration Need to Be Supervised?

What is an unsupervised administration and why is it better than other types?
05/18/22 • by: Emily Hicks Law, PLLC
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What Assets are Not Considered Part of an Estate?

In presentations regarding essential actions individuals should take regarding inheritance, emphasis is usually placed on drafting a will. This leaves unanswered what happens to assets that do not pass by will —so called non-probate assets.
05/13/22 • by: Emily Hicks Law, PLLC
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How Do I Avoid Probate?

There are good reasons why people want their estates to avoid probate, and a lot of ways to do it.
04/22/22 • by: Emily Hicks Law, PLLC
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What Did Diana Rigg Leave Her Daughter in Her Will?

Diana Rigg left her daughter Rachael Stirling £3 million of her fortune after a "traumatic" time living with her before she died, according to reports.
04/21/22 • by: Emily Hicks Law, PLLC
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Do Most People Need a Living Trust?

If you’re putting together an estate plan, you have no doubt heard about the benefits of a living trust.
04/19/22 • by: Emily Hicks Law, PLLC
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No Will? What Happens Now Can Be a Horror Show

It's hard for a family to recuperate when the patriarchs and matriarchs have gone to glory, leaving a battle for who will carry the family's leadership role and manage the family's transition of wealth.
04/12/22 • by: Emily Hicks Law, PLLC
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What are Biggest Estate Planning Mistakes?

Beyond not making a will at all, here are the biggest mistakes that estate planning attorneys see clients make.
04/07/22 • by: Emily Hicks Law, PLLC
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How Do I Talk to My Parents About Estate Planning?

If you have a parent over the age of, say, 65, thoughts about their future may have started to creep into your mind. But because end-of-life planning can be emotional and overwhelming, it’s tempting to put these conversations off — and even more pleasing to avoid them altogether. If there’s a lesson to be learned from the pandemic, however, it’s that waiting until the last minute to prepare is seldom a good idea.
03/29/22 • by: Emily Hicks Law, PLLC
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Taking Care of Dying Parent’s Financial Affairs Can Be Challenging

Dealing with a sick family member is a challenging and emotional time.
03/25/22 • by: Emily Hicks Law, PLLC
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What Is a Trust and How Does It Work?

Trusts are often associated with the rich. However, the uber-wealthy are not the only people who can benefit from using trusts. There is no minimum asset level or net worth required to set up a trust, and you can put any amount of money into a trust.
03/24/22 • by: Emily Hicks Law, PLLC
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