estate planning law firm

Emily Hicks Law, PLLC

Protecting the life you have built for people you love.
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Tips From a Financial Planning Expert: People Regret Cutting These 6 Expenses From Their Budgets

In today's financially challenging times, budget constraints often lead to trimming expenses, but not all cutbacks are created equal.
11/03/23 • by: Emily Hicks Law, PLLC
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What social security benefits do surviving spouses receive? Is My First Wife Entitled to Social Security Survivor Benefits?

If you pass away, your surviving spouse may be entitled to various Social Security benefits depending on various factors.
11/02/23 • by: Emily Hicks Law, PLLC
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Services for Seniors in St. Johns County - Council on Aging

If you are a senior moving to St. Johns County, you need to know about the Council on Aging (COA). Learn how they service for seniors in St. Johns County!
11/01/23 • by: Emily Hicks Law, PLLC
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Leaving a Legacy: Charitable Giving Through Your Estate Plan

Did you know you can leave money to a nonprofit or community foundation in your estate plan?
10/25/23 • by: Emily Hicks Law, PLLC
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Creating a Living Will in Florida? Document your choices now.

A living will is a legal document detailing medical treatment preferences and end-of-life care if you can’t communicate or make decisions for yourself.
10/23/23 • by: Emily Hicks Law, PLLC
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What Do I Need to Know Before I Agree to a Guardianship?

What you should consider before you agree to be responsible for an incapacitated loved one...
10/19/23 • by: Emily Hicks Law, PLLC
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How to recognize Power of Attorney Abuse

Power of attorney abuse can happen to anyone. It's important to choose a trusted agent with integrity to act in your best interest.
10/16/23 • by: Emily Hicks Law, PLLC
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Is Katy Perry Swindling the Elderly Out of Real Estate?

Katy Perry has found herself entangled in various legal disputes with elderly homeowners in California, leading to a potential law known as the Katy PERRY Act.
10/12/23 • by: Emily Hicks Law, PLLC
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Is an Independent Living Facility Right for Me?

Today's housing and financial markets add increased worry for seniors deciding how and where they will live out their golden years.
10/11/23 • by: Emily Hicks Law, PLLC
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New Federal Standards Proposed for Minimum Nursing Home Staff

The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Service (CMS) is aiming to give families more peace of mind by proposing new mandatory nursing home rules.
10/09/23 • by: Emily Hicks Law, PLLC
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